Sunday, October 10, 2010

The afformentioned contender's for the ugliest apartment blocks in Poland award. This is from the top of the cathedral in Ostrow Tumski, the old part of Wroclaw.

And in the other direction; much more pleasing! The elegant looking manor house on the left by the river is the residence of the bishop of Wroclaw; not bad work if you can get it. The large phallic structure in the haze in the distance to the left is near where the rynek (main square) is. You can actually go up that building too, but it was closed that day for some reason. And the light blue bridge you can see is the padlock bridge where lovers attach padlock's with their name's on them.

1 comment:

  1. hi Karl this is Jen..Im excited seeing your photos and reading your evocative descriptions..specially because I'V BEEN TO SOME OF THOSE PLACES!!!I love you writing..good on youx
