trees are undressing themselves, in a final burst of colour. Yellows and
rusty browns. It's deceptively chilly, about 5 degrees in this photo. Winter is closing in.
Further along a group of
teenagers were playing out some melodrama. I didn't know what it was, until one of them staggered a few meters away from his friends, and
had a wee off the bank - without breaking conversation. A 2L juice
carton on the ground was another give away. It's 1pm on Monday. But I
guess teenagers take a creative approach to school attendance
Public drunkeness is going to get dangerous soon; last year
it was absurdly cold, -20 during the day in Krakow, and apparently it
got to -15 in Wroclaw.
But I'm secretly looking forward
to it. It's going to be my first full European winter. Lots of skiing and hot spiced wine, and just sitting around and being warm, which suddenly becomes an activity when it's so cold.
The park near our place. Soon it'll be back in monochrome, and the cycle will be complete. It's already quite brisk, despite the sunlight. Już nie długo do zimy.