Friday, October 29, 2010

język Polski stary film posters, from the Wrocław main square

The caption reads: "(the) Terrible Horseman" (Polish doesn't have articles, like the/an/a)

Be calm, this is only a power outage... (Airplane II)

Self explanatory! Although this is a very cool poster. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hau hau!

Polish dogs speak a different dialect to those in English speaking countries. Instead of "woof woof" they say "hau hau." This particular dog didn't know he was a cultural experience for me. I think he may've wanted a kiss, but I can't be sure. Dogs are very inarticulate creatures.

Monday, October 25, 2010

flame trees

The trees are undressing themselves, in a final burst of colour. Yellows and rusty browns. It's deceptively chilly, about 5 degrees in this photo. Winter is closing in.

Further along a group of teenagers were playing out some melodrama. I didn't know what it was, until one of them staggered a few meters away from his friends, and had a wee off the bank - without breaking conversation. A 2L juice carton on the ground was another give away. It's 1pm on Monday. But I guess teenagers take a creative approach to school attendance everywhere.

Public drunkeness is going to get dangerous soon; last year it was absurdly cold, -20 during the day in Krakow, and apparently it got to -15 in Wroclaw.

But I'm secretly looking forward to it. It's going to be my first full European winter. Lots of skiing and hot spiced wine, and just sitting around and being warm, which suddenly becomes an activity when it's so cold.

The park near our place. Soon it'll be back in monochrome, and the cycle will be complete. It's already quite brisk, despite the sunlight. Już nie długo do zimy.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Possibly the last round of wild mushrooms, collected from outside Wrocław. 

Mushroom collecting is national past time during the warmer months, and for a while everyone was fond of complaining it'd been a really bad year. But a few warmish, damp weeks and above freezing nights, and it's ended with a bang. 

  I stupidly left my wallet at home, otherwise I would've bought some. Katastrofa!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Gnome with a key to the city. :) He looks particularly mirthful. Maybe he's been imbibing with the piwo river gnome.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The afformentioned contender's for the ugliest apartment blocks in Poland award. This is from the top of the cathedral in Ostrow Tumski, the old part of Wroclaw.

And in the other direction; much more pleasing! The elegant looking manor house on the left by the river is the residence of the bishop of Wroclaw; not bad work if you can get it. The large phallic structure in the haze in the distance to the left is near where the rynek (main square) is. You can actually go up that building too, but it was closed that day for some reason. And the light blue bridge you can see is the padlock bridge where lovers attach padlock's with their name's on them.

Piwo matador

padlock monster of Wroclaw