Well, we have a place in Wrocław. That's above ground, not in some post-apocolyptic apartment complex, and with sane and well adjusted landlords. It's a self contained apartment in an old townhouse, replete with high ceilings and big rooms, and 15 minutes walk to the center square. Our standards had been so lowered after the last few weeks, we were almost ready to accept this shoe box of a place, that at least was in a nice building and didn't fill you with dread every time you stepped into it. But this place is decent. More than decent. I wouldn't be ashamed to invite my mother there.
They've agreed to sign a lease, and to demonstrate their ownership of the place, both required for my carta pobytu (long term residency permit). Ewa said a stone had been lifted from her heart. I feel like a cannon ball has been excavated from my chest. It's really just a relief, as that was the major obstacle in the way to my carta pobytu. Looks like I'm staying in Poland after all.
Looking back at some of my favorite posts!
2 years ago
Yes Karl, you ARE staying in Poland :) with me, yeah :)